Music And Intuition In Perfect Harmony

Banah Winn, an accomplished musician and master of intuitive ceremony, stands as a multifaceted intuitive healer with a rich history spanning over two decades. His journey from drumming on pots and pans at the tender age of 3 to gracing stages across the US and Europe, including major festivals like ‘Primavera Sound,’ underscores his undeniable connection to the profound healing power of sound.

Enriched by 15 years of vocal training under esteemed coaches in San Francisco, Portland Oregon, and Santa Barbara, Banah's path into intuition began as a dedicated practitioner of yoga. Nine years of daily, rigorous practice, including Ashtanga, Iyengar, and Vinyasa, sparked the awakening of mindfulness and spirit within him.

Amidst the global quarantine, Banah’s quest for wisdom led him to the transformative teachings of Abraham Hicks and Dr. Joe Dispenza. Two consecutive years of daily meditation for 3-5 hours established a profound connection to his inner guidance, embracing intuitive decision-making as a way of life.

Banah's mission is to playfully beckon others into their next evolution, acting as a guide to higher vibrational experiences. He creates a safe space for individuals to move into the unknown, discovering more about themselves. As a bridge between the galactic and pragmatic, Banah is committed to forging connections between our earthly realm and our multi-dimensionality through a process of purification.

Banah's intuitive and psychic prowess permeates each offering, adding an extra layer of depth and insight to his sessions. His playful energy and musical talents create a seamless fusion of healing and transformation. Embrace the journey with Banah, as he invites you into the realms of discovery, self-awareness, and higher vibrations.

All Pictures by Steven Celi

Videos By Jon Nash
Retreat Video By Monica Justesen

General Inquires // Live Bookings // Licensing And Composition